Source code for tilapya.rtti

Tilapya wrapper around TransLink's Real-Time Transit Information (RTTI) API.

.. note:: This API is limited to real-time information for buses.
        In addition, some routes and vehicles may not be available.
        Buses that are not in service are not exposed by the API.

.. seealso:: `TransLink's RTTI API reference <>`_.
    Much of it is replicated here for convenience.
    However, the docs here reflect Tilapya-specific behaviour.

Usage examples

.. code-block:: python
   :caption: Find the name of bus stop 53095, and whether it's wheelchair-accessible.

    >>> from tilapya import RTTI
    >>> api = RTTI('my key')
    >>> stop = api.stop('53095')
    >>> stop.Name
    >>> stop.WheelchairAccess

.. code-block:: python
   :caption: Get all the route map KML links for bus route 324.

    >>> route = api.route('324')
    >>> [pattern.RouteMap.Href for pattern in route.Patterns]
    ['', '', '']

.. code-block:: python
   :caption: Find the last reported route and position of bus 2543.

    >>> bus = api.bus('2543')
    >>> f'{bus.RouteNo} {bus.Destination} ({bus.Direction})'
    '020 VICTORIA (SOUTH)'
    >>> bus.Latitude, bus.Longitude
    (49.2805, -123.11725)
    >>> bus.RecordedTime.isoformat()

.. code-block:: python
   :caption: Get the next two predicted (or scheduled) arrival times for the 502 bus at bus stop 55070.

    >>> est = api.stop_estimates('55070', count=2, route_number='502')[0]
    >>> [f'{sked.ExpectedLeaveTime.isoformat()} - {est.RouteNo} {sked.Destination}' for sked in est.Schedules]
    ['2018-02-19T22:30:00-08:00 - 502 LANGLEY CTR', '2018-02-19T22:58:00-08:00 - 502 LANGLEY CTR']

from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from marshmallow import Schema, fields, post_load
from pytz import timezone

from ._util import TransLinkAPIBase

#: TransLink's local time zone (Vancouver).
TRANSLINK_TZ = timezone('America/Vancouver')

[docs]class Stop(namedtuple('Stop', [ 'StopNo', 'Name', 'BayNo', 'City', 'OnStreet', 'AtStreet', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'WheelchairAccess', 'Distance', 'Routes'])): """ Stops are locations where buses provide scheduled service. :ivar int StopNo: The 5-digit stop number. :ivar Name: The stop name. :ivar BayNo: The bay number, if applicable. :ivar City: The city in which the stop is located. :ivar OnStreet: The street name the stop is located on. :ivar AtStreet: The intersecting street of the stop. :ivar float Latitude: The latitude of the stop. :ivar float Longitude: The longitude of the stop. :ivar bool WheelchairAccess: Specifies wheelchair accessible stop. :ivar Distance: Distance away from the search location. :ivar list[Route] Routes: The list of routes that the stop services. """
[docs]class StopEstimate(namedtuple('StopEstimate', [ 'RouteNo', 'RouteName', 'Direction', 'RouteMap', 'Schedules'])): """ Bus arrival estimates for a route at a stop. :ivar RouteNo: The bus route number. :ivar RouteName: The bus route name. :ivar Direction: The direction of the route at the specific stop. :ivar RouteMap RouteMap: The element containing the route map information. :ivar list[Schedule] Schedules: The element containing the list of schedules. """
[docs]class RouteMap(namedtuple('RouteMap', ['Href'])): """ Bus route map. :ivar href: The location of the route map file in KMZ format. """
[docs]class Schedule(namedtuple('Schedule', [ 'Pattern', 'Destination', 'ExpectedLeaveTime', 'ExpectedCountdown', 'ScheduleStatus', 'CancelledTrip', 'CancelledStop', 'AddedTrip', 'AddedStop', 'LastUpdate'])): """ A piece of real-time or scheduled arrival time information for a single bus. :ivar Pattern: The pattern of the specific trip. :ivar Destination: The destination of the trip. :ivar datetime ExpectedLeaveTime: The expected departure time of the trip at the specific stop. The original value is something like "05:20pm 2018-02-18". This is converted to an absolute datetime with time zone. Seconds are always 0. :ivar int ExpectedCountDown: The expected departure time in minutes. :ivar ScheduleStatus: The status of the trip. * ``*`` indicates scheduled time * ``-`` indicates delay * ``+`` indicates bus is running ahead of schedule :ivar bool AddedTrip: Indicates if trip is added. :ivar bool CancelledTrip: Indicates if trip is cancelled. :ivar bool CancelledStop: Indicates if stop is cancelled. :ivar bool AddedTrip: Indicates if trip is added. :ivar bool AddedStop: Indicates if stop is added. :ivar datetime LastUpdate: The last updated time of the trip. The original value is something like "05:20:30 pm". This is converted to an absolute datetime with time zone. """
[docs]class Bus(namedtuple('Bus', [ 'VehicleNo', 'TripId', 'RouteNo', 'Direction', 'Destination', 'Pattern', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'RecordedTime', 'RouteMap'])): """ Information about a bus. :ivar VehicleNo: The vehicle number of the bus. :ivar int TripId: The id of the trip the bus currently running. :ivar RouteNo: The route number of the vehicle. :ivar Direction: The direction of the trip. :ivar Destination: The destination headsign of the trip. *This field is not in the RTTI API documentation.* :ivar Pattern: The pattern of the trip. :ivar float Latitude: The latitude of the vehicle location. :ivar float Longitude: The longitude of the vehicle location. :ivar datetime RecordedTime: The recorded time of the last location of the vehicle. The original value is something like "05:20:30 pm". This is converted to an absolute datetime with time zone. :ivar RouteMap RouteMap: The element containing the route map information. """
[docs]class Route(namedtuple('Route', ['RouteNo', 'Name', 'OperatingCompany', 'Patterns'])): """ Routes are a sequenced pattern of service. :ivar RouteNo: The bus route number. :ivar Name: The name of the route. :ivar OperatingCompany: The operating company of the route. :ivar list[Pattern] patterns: The list of patterns for the route. """
[docs]class Pattern(namedtuple('Pattern', ['PatternNo', 'Destination', 'RouteMap', 'Direction'])): """ A route trip pattern. :ivar PatternNo: The pattern number. :ivar Destination: The destination of the pattern. :ivar RouteMap RouteMap: The element containing the route map information. :ivar Direction: The direction of the pattern. """
[docs]class Status(namedtuple('Status', ['Name', 'Value'])): """ Status info for a service within the RTTI API. :ivar name: The name of the service ("Location" or "Schedule") :ivar value: The status of the service ("Online" or "Offline") """
class StopSchema(Schema): StopNo = fields.Integer(required=True) Name = fields.String(required=True) BayNo = fields.String(required=True) City = fields.String(required=True) OnStreet = fields.String(required=True) AtStreet = fields.String(required=True) Latitude = fields.Float(required=True) Longitude = fields.Float(required=True) WheelchairAccess = fields.Boolean(required=True) Distance = fields.Integer(required=True) Routes = fields.String(required=True) @post_load def make_obj(self, js, **kwargs): return Stop(**js) def parse_leave_time(value, relative_to=None): # Assumes English locale. try: return TRANSLINK_TZ.localize(datetime.strptime(value, '%I:%M%p %Y-%m-%d')) except ValueError: if not relative_to: relative_to = parsed = TRANSLINK_TZ.localize(datetime.strptime(value, '%I:%M%p')) parsed = relative_to.replace( hour=parsed.hour, minute=parsed.minute, second=0, microsecond=0) # Time has no date? Assume it's for tomorrow. parsed += timedelta(days=1) return parsed def parse_last_update(value, relative_to=None): # Assumes English locale. if not relative_to: relative_to = parsed = datetime.strptime(value, '%I:%M:%S %p') parsed = relative_to.replace( hour=parsed.hour, minute=parsed.minute, second=parsed.second, microsecond=0) if parsed > relative_to: parsed -= timedelta(days=1) return parsed class ScheduleSchema(Schema): Pattern = fields.String(required=True) Destination = fields.String(required=True) ExpectedLeaveTime = fields.Function( deserialize=parse_leave_time, required=True) ExpectedCountdown = fields.Integer(required=True) ScheduleStatus = fields.String(required=True) CancelledTrip = fields.Boolean(required=True) CancelledStop = fields.Boolean(required=True) AddedTrip = fields.Boolean(required=True) AddedStop = fields.Boolean(required=True) LastUpdate = fields.Function(deserialize=parse_last_update, required=True) @post_load def make_obj(self, js, **kwargs): return Schedule(**js) class RouteMapSchema(Schema): Href = fields.Url(relative=False, required=True) @post_load def make_obj(self, js, **kwargs): return RouteMap(**js) class StopEstimateSchema(Schema): RouteNo = fields.String(required=True) RouteName = fields.String(required=True) Direction = fields.String(required=True) RouteMap = fields.Nested(RouteMapSchema, many=False, required=True) Schedules = fields.Nested(ScheduleSchema, many=True, required=True) @post_load def make_obj(self, js, **kwargs): return StopEstimate(**js) class BusSchema(Schema): VehicleNo = fields.String(required=True) TripId = fields.Integer(required=True) RouteNo = fields.String(required=True) Direction = fields.String(required=True) Destination = fields.String(required=True) Pattern = fields.String(required=True) Latitude = fields.Float(required=True) Longitude = fields.Float(required=True) RecordedTime = fields.Function(deserialize=parse_last_update, required=True) RouteMap = fields.Nested(RouteMapSchema, many=False, required=True) @post_load def make_obj(self, js, **kwargs): return Bus(**js) class PatternSchema(Schema): PatternNo = fields.String(required=True) Destination = fields.String(required=True) RouteMap = fields.Nested(RouteMapSchema, many=False, required=True) Direction = fields.String(required=True) @post_load def make_obj(self, js, **kwargs): return Pattern(**js) class RouteSchema(Schema): RouteNo = fields.String(required=True) Name = fields.String(required=True) OperatingCompany = fields.String(required=True) Patterns = fields.Nested(PatternSchema, many=True, required=True) @post_load def make_obj(self, js, **kwargs): return Route(**js) class StatusSchema(Schema): Name = fields.String(required=True) Value = fields.String(required=True) @post_load def make_obj(self, js, **kwargs): return Status(**js)
[docs]class RTTI(TransLinkAPIBase): """ The wrapper around TransLink's Real-Time Transit Information (RTTI) API. """ def __init__(self, api_key, session=None): """ :param api_key: TransLink API key. :param requests.Session session: Session to use, instead of the default. """ super(RTTI, self).__init__( '', api_key=api_key, session=session)
[docs] def stop(self, stop_number): """ Get a bus stop by bus stop number. :param stop_number: 5-digit bus stop number. :rtype: Stop """ return self._get_deserialized('stops/{}'.format(stop_number), StopSchema())
def _stops(self, **kwargs): return self._get_deserialized('stops', StopSchema(many=True), params=kwargs)
[docs] def stops(self, lat, long, radius_m=None, route_number=None): """ Search for stops around a certain point. :param float lat: Latitude. :param float long: Longitude. :param int radius_m: Search this radius for stops. Default 500. Maximum 2000. :param route_number: Search for stops served by this route. :rtype: list[Stop] """ return self._stops( lat='{:.6f}'.format(lat), long='{:.6f}'.format(long), radius=radius_m, routeno=route_number)
[docs] def stop_estimates(self, stop_number, count=None, timeframe=None, route_number=None): """ Gets the next bus estimates for a particular stop. Returns schedule data if estimates are not available. :param stop_number: A five-digit stop number. :param int count: The number of buses to return. Default 6. :param int timeframe: The search time frame in minutes. Default 120. :param route_number: If present, will search for stops specific to route. :returns: A list of :class:`StopEstimate`. Appears to be grouped by route, destination, and direction (not documented). :rtype: list[StopEstimate] """ return self._get_deserialized( 'stops/{}/estimates'.format(stop_number), StopEstimateSchema(many=True), params={'count': count, 'timeframe': timeframe, 'routeNo': route_number})
[docs] def bus(self, bus_number): """ Get a bus by its bus vehicle number. :param bus_number: A vehicle id. It is not possible to get a bus that is not currently in service. .. note:: This endpoint erroneously rejects 5-digit bus numbers. :rtype: Bus """ return self._get_deserialized('buses/{}'.format(bus_number), BusSchema(many=False))
[docs] def buses(self, stop_number=None, route_number=None): """ Retrieve vehicle information of all or a filtered set of buses. :param stop_number: If present, will search for buses for stop id specified. :param route_number: If present, will search for stops specific to route. :rtype: list[Bus] """ return self._get_deserialized( 'buses', BusSchema(many=True), params={'stopNo': stop_number, 'routeNo': route_number})
[docs] def route(self, route_number): """ Get a route by its route number. :param route_number: A bus route number. :rtype: Route """ return self._get_deserialized( 'routes/{}'.format(route_number), RouteSchema(many=False))
[docs] def routes(self, stop_number=None): """ Get routes. .. note:: This endpoint may intermittently and incorrectly return error code 4014 (no routes for specified stop). :param stop_number: If present, will search for routes passing through this stop. .. note:: Though it's implied that leaving this unspecified will return all routes, in practice, this parameter is required. :rtype: list[Route] """ return self._get_deserialized( 'routes', RouteSchema(many=True), params={'stopNo': stop_number})
[docs] def status(self, service='all'): """ Gets the bus location and real-time schedule information update status. :param service: A service name. * ``location`` for bus location information, * ``schedule`` for real-time schedule information * ``all`` for both services :rtype: list[Status] """ return self._get_deserialized('status/{}'.format(service), StatusSchema(many=True))